Friday, August 14, 2009

Newly released book (U.S.): A Practical Guide to Vampires

A Practical Guide to Vampires by Lisa Trutkoff Trumbauer was just released in the U.S.

Description: From the publisher: Think you know all about vampires? Think again. Did you know that vampires can hibernate for decades, have stomachs the size of walnuts, and have a predisposition for jobs in real estate? Can you say, "I must feed?? in vampire language? A Practical Guide to Vampires (Mirrorstone) provides the in-depth information we all need to know about these dangerous creatures of the night. This comprehensive book follows the New York Times best-sellers A Practical Guide to Dragons and A Practical Guide to Monsters. All are lavishly-illustrated and fun for all ages. A Practical Guide to Vampires is packed with thrilling, chilling and blood-spilling facts about these compelling monsters. Kids can read about vampire anatomy, intelligence, clothing, habits and habitats, as well as dangerous powers like shapeshifting, hypnotic persuasion, and superhuman strength. The book explores vampire society, language, and communication, animal allies, and magic talismans. Perhaps most importantly, readers learn how to protect themselves from vampires, even when hunting or doing battle with them. The book even delves into vampire legend and describes related bloodthirsty monsters that will send a shiver up the spine of the bravest human being.
Click here for more information.

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