Monday, October 19, 2009

Newly released book (U.S.): The Ask and The Answer (Chaos Walking book 2)

The Ask and The Answer (Chaos Walking book 2) by Patrick Ness was just released in the U.S.

Description: Todd and Viola have crossed the world, battling every obstacle in their path and losing everything that each of them holds dear, as they try to reach Haven, their one hope of safety. But just when they are in seeing distance of Haven-- Viola is shot. Todd raced down the hill hoping that please, please, won't they be able to heal her? But Haven wasn't Haven any longer. Haven was New Prentisstown. And there isn't any safety there at all. Todd and Viola are immediately separated as the Mayor cunningly captures the entire world in one master stroke. But a resistance group, known only as The Answer, springs up. And they're setting off bombs in New Prentisstown.
Click here for more information.

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